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<소식> 테슬라 - 2023년 2월 3일

by 지식 대장장이 2023. 2. 3.

테슬라 소식 - 2023년 2월 3일



멕시코 외무부 장관은 테슬라가 조만간 멕시코에 새로운 생산기지를 발표할 것이라고 말했습니다.

멕시코 정부는 적합한 부지를 선택할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.


Tesla will soon announce a new location in Mexico, the country's Foreign Affairs Minister said. The government is working with the manufacturer to help it choose a suitable site.
It seems that Mexico could be announced as the new location for Tesla's sixth car factory. Mexico's Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard said he expects this to happen soon.





새로운 베타 프로토타입의 테슬라 사이버트럭이 목격되었습니다. 

이 픽업트럭의 사이드미러와 브레이크 라이트는 이전 버전과 다른 점이 있습니다.


Tesla Cybertruck, which could be a new Beta prototype, was spotted in the wild. The pickup truck differed from the earlier version with side mirrors and brake lights.
The Tesla Cybertruck prototype was spotted in the wild in Palo Alto, California just a few hours ago. ftronz/Instagram shared a video and a photo of the pickup truck, reporting only the location where it was seen. 




Instagram의 Flavio Tronzano님 : "#cybertruck #tesla #teslacybertruck"

618 Likes, 68 Comments - Flavio Tronzano (@ftronz) on Instagram: "#cybertruck #tesla #teslacybertruck"




북미 지역에서 Model Y에 대한 수요가 급증한 것으로 보고 있습니다.

기존에는 배송기간이 2~3월이었는데 지금 주문하시면 3~5월까지 배송되지 않습니다. 

전반적으로 배송 리드 타임은 이전 1-8주에서 현재 4-16주로 대략 두 배가 되었습니다.


Tesla sees a surge in demand for Model Y in North America. The next deliveries are scheduled in 4-16 weeks, which is twice as much as before.
Orders for Tesla Model Y in North America are through the roof, as evidenced by the recent increase in delivery times for ordered vehicles. Previously, the delivery time was February-March, but orders placed now will not be delivered until March-May. 





테슬라의 기가 베를린은 배터리 공장 설립을 추진하고 있습니다.

현재 회사는 음극 혼합을 설정하고 있으며, 빠른 속도로 진행되고 있습니다.


Tesla Giga Berlin is moving forward with the launch of its battery factory. At the moment, the company is setting up anode mixing, which is progressing at a fast pace.
Tesla Giga Berlin continues to step up efforts to launch the production of a battery factory. Although the full start of production of 4680 battery cells is still far off, the company is moving forward with the installation of equipment for the production of their components.





테슬라의 기가팩토리 네바다 시설은 테슬라 세미를 대량 생산하고 연간 100GWh의 4680 배터리 셀을 생산할 수 있도록 대대적인 확장 공사를 진행할 예정입니다. 

그러나 기가 네바다 확장에 대한 아이디어는 매력적이지만, 네바다 주 당국은 전기차 제조업체와 36억 달러 규모의 프로젝트에 대한 잠재적 세금 감면에 대한 세부 사항을 2월 말까지 기밀로 유지하기로 하는 비공개 계약을 체결했습니다.


Tesla’s Gigafactory Nevada facility will undergo a serious expansion that would allow it to mass produce the Tesla Semi and produce 100 GWh of 4680 battery cells per year. But while the idea of a Giga Nevada expansion is compelling, Nevada state officials have signed a non-disclosure agreement with the EV maker that will keep the details of potential tax breaks for the $3.6 billion project confidential until late February.





테슬라는 AI 인재를 유치하고 채용하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 

지난해 열린 '2022 AI 데이'와 같은 전용 행사 외에도 실리콘밸리 한복판에 대규모 채용 사무소를 설립한 것으로 알려졌습니다.


Tesla is putting in a lot of effort to attract and recruit AI talent. Apart from dedicated events such as last year’s AI Day 2022, the company is reportedly setting up a large recruitment office in the middle of Silicon Valley. 

Nikkei Asia noted that at the end of January, a rather inconspicuous sign bearing Tesla’s name showed up at the entrance of a large building located at 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, California.



더 보링 컴퍼니


보링 컴퍼니는 라스베이거스 루프의 새로운 부분이 완공되면 현지 안전 및 비상 요원과 협력하여 안전 점검 및 훈련을 실시하는 등 보링 루프 내 안전 표준에 대한 최신 정보를 유지하고 있습니다.


The Boring Company keeps up to date on safety standards within the Boring Loops working with Local safety and emergency personnel conducting safety checks and drills in newer portions of the Vegas Loop as they are completed.





스페이스X는 오늘 아침(2월 2일) 70번째 스타링크 임무를 수행하던 중 200번째 Falcon 9 발사에 성공했습니다.


SpaceX achieved its 200th successful Falcon 9 launch this morning (February 2) during the 70th operational Starlink mission. "Congrats Falcon & Starlink Teams," said SpaceX founder Elon Musk via Twitter after the launch. A previously-flown Falcon 9 rocket lifted off at 2:58 a.m. ET from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida to deploy another fleet of 53 Starlink satellites to Low Earth Orbit (LEO).





트위터는 더 이상 트위터 API에 대한 무료 액세스를 지원하지 않고, 대신 유료 기본 티어를 제공할 예정입니다.

이번 조치는 사기나 여론 조작에 자주 연루되는 봇 계정에 대한 광범위한 단속의 일환으로 이루어집니다.


Twitter will no longer support free access to the Twitter API and will offer a paid basic tier instead. The move comes as part of a broader crackdown on bot accounts that often engage in fraud or manipulation of public opinion.



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